Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pre 1937 Med Mj Eczema Treatment Expose'd

Re-post'd with permission from Azjaguar Design & Manufacturing Company.

New research suggests that herbalists who used cannabis ointments to treat the inflammatory skin disease of Eczema before 1937 knew what they were doing.

A team of scientists from the University of Bonn in Germany "stumbled" on the anti-inflammatory effect of (THC) while conducting a brain study on mice.

After genetically stripping the mice of their CB1 receptor capabilities, during a series of experiments the scientists observed unexpectedly that the skin around the mice ear clips became red and sore.

The scientists now believe both endo and phyto-cannabinoids act like brakes when binding to both CB1 and CB2 receptors.

This prevents the immune system from running out of control and triggering inflammation.

So, smear that cannabis salve on your Eczema, people...and live life free of the side effects of "Big Pharma".

For you "double dippers" out there, sorry.

The amount of (THC) in the ointment needed to treat skin allergies such as Eczema would be far too small to produce any other 'intoxicating' side effects.

Blogged with Flock
Robert Hempaz, PhD Trichometry™

Follow me on Twitter @hempaz

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